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Parliament of the World’s Religions Student Membership

Join the Student Membership Program with the Parliament of the World’s Religions

The Student Membership Program offers a discounted option for students, student groups, and school departments to give students access to the Parliament Member Hub.

Members must have a .edu email address to qualify for the student program

Resources for Online Learning

Access to the Parliament Member Hub provides students access to online resources, such as full-length program videos from past Parliament events and educational resource documents. With over 1,400 videos, this offers robust resources to supplement your online interfaith learning curriculum.

Student Presentations Program

Planning a presenation project for students? Particiate in the Student Presentations Program! Students get the opportunity to present their projects virtually to an audience of Parliament members, hear feedback from the audience, and engage in dialogue around their project.

Student Membership Options

Individual Student

Student Group

School Membership

$40  annually

$300   annually

$3,000 annually

Access to Member Hub contentONE educator profile with access to Member Hub contentUp to 10 educator profiles with access to Member Hub content
 Up to 15 student profiles with access to Member Hub contentUp to 200 student profiles with access to Member Hub content
 Option to participate in Student Presentations ProgramOption to participate in Student Presentations Program

**Please note all online membership payments will be automatically renewed on an annual basis. You can cancel at any time through your membership profile on the member-hub**

After you sign up, you will be contacted by the membership coordinator for student names and accounts.

Membership *
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Referred By
If you were referred by someone to join the Parliament membership, please indicate that person below
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.

The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.
