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Significance of Swastika – A Sacred Symbol for More Than a Billion People

Session Description:

Swastika, a sacred symbol of purity and good living to Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, and Zoroastrian communities, has become synonymous with hate crimes. How does this term, Swastika, get conflated and confused with the Hakenkreuz, the symbol-defacing synagogues? A multifaith session explores how we may clear this misunderstanding. It is a matter of human rights and freedom to practice one’s religion in a free and democratic civil society. Our goal is to reinforce and provide an equitable opportunity for Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Jewish, and Zoroastrians to practice their faith without fear of legal recourse, promote dignity, and reduce the incidence of violence and bullying arising from ignorance of the swastika’s sacred meaning to more than a billion people around the world.

  • Date
    August 15, 2023
  • Time
    5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Location