*Dharma Master Hsin Tao
Born in Myanmar in 1948, Dharma Master Hsin Tao is the Abbot of the Wu-sheng Monastery on Ling-Jiou Mountain in Taiwan, the founder of the Ling Jiou Mountain (LJM) Buddhist Society, the Museum of World Religions (MWR), and of the Global Family for Love and Peace (GFLP). The Museum opened in 2001 as an educational platform to further respect, love and cooperation between the world’s religions, and through GFLP, has carried out numerous Interfaith activities, among them a continuous series of Buddhist-Muslim dialogues in 15 countries. Master Hsin Tao is a regular contributor to the meetings of the Chicago Parliament of World Religions and other Interfaith Forums and has received many international awards. At present, Master Hsin Tao is working towards the establishment of the University for Life and Peace in Yangon to provide practical solutions to the environmental crisis through an interdisciplinary approach based on spiritual ecology and science. The university project is carried out in collaboration with Universities in Europe, Asia and the US and has so far held three successful Winter schools on environmental topics in preparation for the University. Master Hsin Tao has met with Pope Francis in 2017, pledging his support for Laudato Si’.