The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus
The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Ph.D. is the eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California. Raised among the hills and rivers of East Tennessee, Bishop Marc developed an early love for the beauty of God’s creation and heard a call to help protect it. As Bishop of California, he leads The Episcopal Church’s delegation to the annual UN Climate Conference (COP) and serves as Presiding Bishop Michael Bruce Curry’s representative to the Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN). Bishop Marc’s advocacy work also includes immigration reform, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial reconciliation. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed book, Brothers in the Beloved Community: The Friendship of Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King Jr. He is also the co-author of Stations of the Cosmic Christ, which he wrote with the Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox, activist and theologian. Bishop Marc lives in San Francisco with his wife, Dr. Sheila Andrus.