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Intergenerational Interfaith Dialogue: Past, Present, and Future Meet to Talk

Session Description:

This session creates space for young and old people to share their experiences in interfaith work. It names some power dynamics that exist in interfaith work between the generations and provides a platform for transformational intergenerational relationships. Current political discourse has grown so polarized that even dialogue, at its most basic level, has become an obstacle in the work of positive social change. This has impacted cross-generational dialogue and the ability to express grievances and disagreements candidly. We are providing an opportunity to address the concerns and challenges that occur when reaching across the age gap on how to effectively communicate, create spaces for strategic and effective dialogue, whether we discuss them in the context of differing opinions, belief systems, or approaches that address systemic and cultural realities. The session is dialogue/circle based, facilitated with some key reflective learning questions to stimulate conversation.

  • Date
    August 15, 2023
  • Time
    8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
  • Location