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Patheos Explores Hindu Frontier

June 30, 2010

On June 28, Patheos launched the Future of Religion Summer Series with a discussion on the future of Hinduism. Scholars have weighed in on the topic, asking probing questions about “glocal” Hinduism, the role of Hinduism in the public sphere, and the future of Hinduism in America. Professor Anant Rambachan of St. Olaf College discusses the next generation of Hinduism: “While the traditions of Hinduism were transported outside the borders of India since ancient times, the contemporary establishment of Hinduism in the western world is without historical precedent. A new immigration act in 1965, initiated by President Kennedy, opened the doors of the United States to immigrants from India and the three decades that followed witnessed a significant influx of Hindu immigrants from India and other parts of the world. The construction of a temple is a traditional expression of Hindu faith, and temples have become the most visible signs of the contemporary establishment of Hinduism in the United States. It must be remembered, however, that the community here is of recent origin, and immigrants who were born in India and who still retain strong family, linguistic, and cultural ties with the sub-continent construct almost all of these temples. The descendants of these immigrants, however, will determine the future of Hinduism, and the outward focus on temple construction often conceals the serious challenges faced by the Hindu tradition as it seeks to establish new roots and to ensure its transmission in a new context. Historically, Hinduism has embraced both religion and culture, and the disentanglement of one from the other is quite difficult. The detachment of religion and culture, however, is rapidly becoming a reality in the experience of a new generation of Hindus born in the United States. The traditionally pervasive influence of Hinduism is relegated to fewer areas of life. How will the Hindu tradition develop and thrive in a context in which it does not exert a pervasive cultural influence? Will it be limited to ritualistic practices in the home and temple? What will be its public character, if any? These are vital questions that challenge us today. A relevant and creative Hindu tradition cannot afford to be a passive object of change, but must choose to become an active participant in the debates and struggles that are currently shaping public values. It will have to journey into its wisdom teachings to retrieve those essential insights that will guide its response to significant contemporary issues and challenges. It will have to actively seek out and establish partnerships and join in the discussions that will determine the character of our nation. It will have to shift from a mentality of complacency, historically engendered by its numerical and cultural dominance in the Indian sub-continent, to one of youthful and self-critical vigor. Hinduism must increasingly embrace the fact that religion is not only the private issue of an individual’s search for the ultimate, but must also be concerned with the values in the public sphere, with justice in economic, social, and gender relationships.” Click here to read the entire article, and click here to explore all of the articles on the future of Hinduism.