Parliament Celebrating Anniversaries At ‘Living Out The Vision’
Dear Friends,
120 years ago leaders from religions east and west came together at the 1893 World’s Parliament of Religions with a vision for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. And the Interfaith Movement was birthed.
It took another 100 years to hold the second Parliament; that event broke down barriers, included groups formerly left out, and attendees committed to work towards a world without wars, hate, and discrimination by signing a pioneering Global Ethic.
CPWR is celebrating the 120th and 20th Anniversary of this vision on November 16th in Chicago, and framing the future towards the vision, with a benefit program & dinner to ensure the ongoing work of the Parliament. Please lend your support with your donation of spirit and resources. We hope you can share with us on November 16 as we celebrate:
Living Out the Vision
4:00 p.m. Renewing the Vision: Reflections on the 1893 Parliament and the 1993 Global Ethic
Featured panelists including the esteemed:
Dr. Martin Marty
Dr. Allison Stokes
and the first Executive Director of CPWR, Dr. Daniel Gomez-Ibáñez
6:00 p.m. Benefit Dinner
Recognizing Our Leaders, Celebrating The Future
Chicago Sinai Congregation
15 West Delaware Place
Chicago, IL
To Purchase Individual $150 Tickets Please Visit The Parliament of the World’s Religions Anniversary Benefit or send your check to CPWR Attn: Stephen Avino, 70 E. Lake Street Suite 205, Chicago, IL 60601.
What a promising time to move into a shared dynamic future with your support. We look forward to sharing with you this November 16. To learn more about purchasing a table, becoming a sponsor, and/or becoming a benefactor of CPWR, Living Out The Vision, please contact Brian Savage. Development Associate at or 312-629-2990.
Benefactor: $5000
Sponsor: $1000
Table Sponsorship (10 tickets): $1200
Desire to share in the spirit of this momentous anniversary? Please consider giving in support of CPWR carrying on the work towards that vision, convening major interfaith events, connecting people through newsletters and social media, developing model programs like Sharing Sacred Space and training groups through Ambassadors and Faiths Against Hate.Warm Regards,
Dr. Mary Nelson
Executive Director