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Diverse Voices of Faith Join the Luminary Lineup at the 2021 Parliament

September 23, 2021

The Parliament of the World’s Religions is honored to announce that Yacop Cohen, Yangjin Lamu, Swami Ishatmananda, and Mena Suvari join the growing list of featured luminaries at the 2021 Parliament of World’s Religions, hosted October 16-18.

These diverse voices will share special prayers highlighting the diversity of their faith and spiritual traditions on the plenary stage.

The representative of the Samaritan community.
A preeminent spiritual musician, meditation teacher, and author.
A senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order.
A critically acclaimed American actress, comedian, and model.

These groundbreaking Voices of PoWR are some of the thousands joining us this October, don’t miss 48 hours of programming and 30 days of access with your registration.