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Interfaith Heroes: Exploring the Elijah Interfaith Track at the 2021 Parliament

December 16, 2021

At the 2021 Parliament of the World’s Religions, the Parliament partnered with the Elijah Interfaith Initiative to host a dedicated track, the Elijah Interfaith Track. The track featured a review of a selection of interfaith heroes, featured in video form, on the occasion of the release of Interfaith Heroes: Role Models and Spiritual Exemplars for Interfaith Practice, by Wipf and Stock publishers, especially in time for the 2021 Parliament Convening.

The publication and video series, illustrated one of the salient theses it presents: it’s all about relationships, all about friendships. First conceptualized by Elijah Interfaith Institute Founder and 2021 Parliament luminary, Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Interfaith Heroes set out to commemorate the seventy years of life of Parliament luminary Rabbi David Rosen through a collection of essays offered in friendships by global authors. These essays contributed towards the construction of a gallery of figures whose primary characteristics are inspiration and impact on the authors.

The video series that made up the Elijah Interfaith Track at the 2021 Parliament Convening featured scholars and leaders, brought together by Dr. Goshen-Gottstein and the Elijah Interfaith Institute, discussing who their personal interreligious hero is. Who has inspired them? How has that inspiration translated into their work? Why do they consider this inspiration to be of broad relevance for all those who will be watching these videos? The series is broken down into 9 program offerings and available now exclusively on the Elijah Interfaith Institute YouTube Channel.

The Parliament joins the Elijah Interfaith Institute in honoring Rabbi David Rosen and these inspiring interfaith heroes. Watch the full video series free online and enjoy 50% off with the coupon code “Elijahinterfaith” when you purchase Interfaith Heroes: Role Models and Spiritual Exemplars for Interfaith Practice.


“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #1
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Fetullah Gullen

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #2
Thomas Merton and President Abdurrahman Wahid

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #3
Chiara Lubich and Bishop Kenneth Cragg

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #4
Emir Abd al Kadir al Jazairi and Rabbi Irving Yitz Greenberg

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #5
Dharma Master Hsin Tao and Cardinal Bernardin

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #6
Professor Akbar Ahmed and Dr. Azza Karam

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #7
Eva Fleischner and Sheikh Bin Bayyah

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #8
Gandhi and Blu Greenberg

“Interreligious Heroes — History and Inspiration of the Interfaith Movement” #9
Pope John and Rabbi Salman

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