Dr. Stephen Schlensog Accepts the Hans Kung Global Ethic Award
Dr. Stephen Schlensog addresses the Global Ethic in Action Assembly at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, USA.
My dear friends, receiving this award is a particular joy and honor for me. It is an award which reminds us of Dr. Hans Küng and recognizes his achievements in terms of developing the idea of the Global Ethic. And make it known right across the world. But it is also an award which encourages us in the face of all opposition we currently face worldwide to campaign for peaceful coexistence in and beyond our societies and for joint ethical standards.
With this in mind, I would like to quote Hans Küng who would be particularly delighted at this award being presented. Hans Küng said, “The global ethic project is a vision. It shows how a better world could and can look. It is a vision for the future. We and all people who work together with us toward this aim are convinced that a commitment to promoting respect and understanding between cultures and nations and a commitment to promoting ethical standards in society, in politics and economy, in learning and education is desperately necessary. And a global ethic is a realistic vision. A vision which can naturally not be achieved overnight but will take time.”
I would like to thank the Parliament of World’s Religions for its outstanding contribution to the Global Ethic project. Thank you to those who prompted the establishment of this Hans Küng Award and my personal thanks go to you for recognizing in this way my decades of dedication to the Global Ethic project at the Weltethos site.
Thank you very much.