Pagan Community Notes: Week of August 13, 2023

Originally published by The Wild Hunt on August 14
The Parliament of World’s Religion convenes today in Chicago after a few computer glitches. This year, Rev. HPs. Phyllis Curott, the Program Chair of the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions, addresses the urgent theme of the gathering this August, defending freedom and human rights against the rise of authoritarianism. Curott is well-known in the Pagan community. She is a Wiccan priestess, author, and attorney.
The Parliament of the World’s Religions is an international interfaith organization that aims to promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among different religious and spiritual traditions. It brings together representatives from various faith communities, scholars, activists, and leaders to engage in discussions, workshops, and events addressing global issues, social justice, environmental concerns, and religious harmony.
Curtt expects today even to be a historic convening” and “it’s a historic convening for our community. She recalled that about 50 Pagans were present at the first modern Parliament in Chicago in 1993 while she was the National First Officer of Covenant of the Goddess. She noted Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary and Andras Arthen from EarthSpirit, along with members of everyone’s organizations, the late Deborah Ann Light and Chicago Pagans. But that event caused a stir when the Orthodox Church withdrew because of Pagan presence. Curott said “It was a real joy when Patriarch Bartholomew appeared in the same Plenary I addressed in 2021. We have to be present to make progress, to change the negative stereotypes, and to bring our wisdom and our values to a world that needs them. And the Parliament is a place where, after so many years of continuous presence, participation, and hard work, we are seen and we are valued. ”