Hiroshima’s Peace Declaration and the Parliament’s Commitment to Nuclear Disarmament
Nuclear weapons promote the culture of ultimate violence claiming implicitly that the pursuit of security by one state can rightfully place the right to existence of all future generations at risk.
We thus make a passionate plea to the leaders of all religions, all people of good will, and all leaders of nations both with and without nuclear weapons to commit to work to eliminate these horrific devices forever. We support the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the duty explicitly stated in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to obtain a nuclear weapons-free world. We call upon the nine nations with the weapons to promptly commence negotiations to obtain a legal instrument or instruments leading to the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
– Responding to the Unique Challenge of Nuclear Weapons: A Passionate Call From The Parliament of the World’s Religions
This was our plea in the conclusion of the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions to the nine nations with nuclear weapons in the world, the United States, Russia (with over 90% of the weapons), China, France, the United Kingdom (Five Permanent Members of the Security Council and members of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty) and India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel. Pleas, however, are only the beginning.
Our work, and the work of the interfaith movement, toward a commitment to having a safe, nuclear weapons-free world continues. On June 14, 2019 Parliament Chair, Audrey Kitagawa met with Mr. Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima, and Ms. Yasco Suehiro, Director of Mayors for Peace, to continue the conversation on how to move the world forward on nuclear disarmament.
In 2018 the city of Hiroshima released a Peace Declaration where they pledged to do everything in their power to achieve lasting world peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. The Parliament remains committed to this mission and invites you to read the Hiroshima Declaration.
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