Hope Lifts for Global Interfaith On Last Weekend to Save the Parliament
The council that convenes the Parliament of the World’s Religions recently announced an urgent financial challenge putting the largest and oldest global Interfaith organization into jeopardy of closing imminently after April 15.
Plans for moving forward have jumpstarted with relief efforts from Baha’i, Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Native, Unitarian, Jewish, Humanist, Christian, Pagan, Muslim, Buddhist and Spiritual communities. In this rush to rescue the Parliament, friends have raised more than $120,000 of the needed $150,000 in two weeks time.
Funds are flooding in from around the world on the Parliament’s CauseVox funding site with simple messages of hope, faith, and love for the Parliament’s mission. The transformative impact of the Parliament on individual lives, community relationships, and across global networks of spirit and faith can continue. To meet the newest world challenges in critical need of collaborative intervention, just $30,000 remains to move the Parliament into the future.
Board of Trustees Chairperson Imam Malik Mujahid with Board Emereti Andras Arben-Corthen in Guadalajara, Mexico. In February 2013, the Board met to explore future Interfaith efforts in Mexico.
Many have expressed a desire to give more than their budget permits. If you have stepped up in the last week and would like to stretch your gift, you can contribute more to the Parliament by creating a personal fundraising page on the Causevox website!
Share why you’ve donated, and invite others to join your effort. Use your social media profiles to announce your efforts. Forward e-mails, make calls, send texts. Tell your congregations at worship about the Parliament!
If this gift is your first to the Parliament, know that you can make a difference. With this off our backs, we are freed up! We can continue our important work toward peace and harmony. Please give generously. Tax-deductible donations are being accepted on*:
parliamentofreligions.causevox.com – or – www.parliamentofreligions.org
Together we can finish off this $30,000 debt and enter the new era of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Your gift of at least $100, or whatever you can give, helps move us toward the future.
*Hope Builder donors will receive discounts to the next Parliament event and other local interfaith gatherings.
We are profoundly grateful.
Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid Dr. Mary Nelson
Chair of the Board Interim Executive Director
CPWR is a 501c.3 non-for-profit organization