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New Parliament Membership Program Aims to Create The Interfaith Movement’s Greatest Digital Archive

June 26, 2019

Over the years, the Parliament has initiated dialogues and nurtured relationships among people of diverse backgrounds. In doing so, the Parliament has provided a framework for expressing many visions of a just, peaceful and sustainable future.
At their core, our modern Parliament’s have served as the critical interfaith convening for individuals and organizations interested in the interfaith movement and interreligious dialogue. Thousands of people from different faith and spiritual traditions come together to learn, grow and celebrate the unique diversity of their own beliefs and convictions. At the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions hosted in Salt Lake City, USA we invited participants to join the momentum of the global interfaith movement and become Parliamentarians by becoming supporting members of the organization.
Almost four years after the initial launch of our membership program, and aided by feedback from former members, we have launched a new and improved membership program.
The Opportunity
At the closing of every convening, we ask ourselves how the Parliament can bring the global interfaith movement together, between Parliaments, in dynamic and far-reaching ways. We’ve found quite a few of them with initiatives like Peace Next, our Interfaith Directory, the Climate Commitments Project, our World Interfaith Harmony Week observance program and our weekly newsletter.
Our new and improved membership program is another way in which the Parliament aims to “convene” the global interfaith movement in between our global conferences, this time by providing members with access to our unique library of photos, videos, and programmatic records from past conferences and creating exclusive content still to come.

In the short term, this membership exclusive content aims to serve as a resource for interfaith activists and organizations around the world. Paying members can now see short video outtakes that give you a taste of the 2018 Parliament hosted in Toronto or listen to program recordings from the 2004 Parliament in Barcelona to learn about the global imperative of interfaith education, with more to come as we continue to digitize our archives.
In the long term, the membership program will provide the Parliament with an opportunity to digitize cassette tapes, DVDs and thousands of additional content onto one digital library.
The goal? To create the interfaith movement’s greatest archive of digital resources.
The Memberships
Our work toward this goal is made possible by the financial support of individuals and organizations making one time donations or committing to annual memberships, in fact, annual membership fees support our ongoing interfaith work and the Staff digitizing our content.When individuals and organizations commit to annual membership fees they provide the Parliament with the promise of a steady funding base and a commitment to the future of the global interfaith movement.

Explore The Member Hub

Our Aim
The launch of this new membership program is just the beginning!
Within the next three years, we aim to finalize a complete digital archive of Parliament photos, videos, audio recordings, and documents.
Within the next ten years, we aim to find and digitize at least 50% of individual programs and speeches from our past convenings*.
The Interfaith Movement’s Greatest Archive, it’s a lofty goal. But with your support, we can achieve it!

* Have you participated in a modern Parliament of the World’s Religions? Do you have digital materials from past events that you would like to donate to the Parliament? Please contact our Constituency Development Manager, Miriam Quezada at, to learn how you can help.