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The Parliament Will Be Held Every Two Years

August 8, 2014

The Board of Trustees of the Parliament of the World’s Religions has decided to convene the World Parliament every two years.
As the interfaith movement has doubled and tripled in interfaith action and services in the last decade it has become necessary that this largest summit of people of faith working together for a just, peaceful and sustainable world come together more often. The board also moved by the extraordinary desire throughout the interfaith movement to engage younger people for whom a five-year Parliament cycle is very long.
Announcing the strategic move of the Parliament the Chair of the Board Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid said that “a five-year Parliament cycle was a bit slow for the age of social media, a globalized world, and shorter attention spans. As forces of hate, anger and fear are rising in the world, we must strengthen the interfaith movement by sharing our interfaith experiences and building relationships among faiths and across interfaith networks which can be better sustained through a two-year cycle.”
Initial feedback from the Parliament Ambassador program coupled with data gleaned from the Global Listening Project shows strong support for a faster moving Parliament timetable. More frequent Parliaments will also foster relationships with a widening roster of world leaders interested in supporting and engaging the interfaith movement.
An announcement detailing the launch of this timetable will be released soon.