Announcement, UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, United Nations Delay Announced on the 2020 H.M. King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week Prizes
Indigenous Peoples, Report, United Nations Recovering the Sacred: Indigenous women expressing freedom from violence, stereotypes, and stigma
Report, United Nations Parliament Joins Preparatory Workshop for FBOs to engage in the Beijing+25 Review Process
Report, United Nations The Parliament Highlights The Power of Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation at UN Conference
Report, United Nations Parliament Joins Eminent Interfaith Representatives at the Annual Kofi Annan Faith Briefings
Report, United Nations Peace, People, and Planet: Interfaith Commitments from the G20 Interfaith Forum
Report, United Nations 5th Annual CSW Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Gratitude Hosted at the UN
Announcement, Climate Action, United Nations Parliament’s Climate Program Represented at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya