IRI Launches Faiths For Forests Campaign
The Parliament of the World’s Religions joins our partners from Religions for Peace, Green Faith, Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative, Regnskogfondet, UN Environment, World Council of Churches and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology in support of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative’s Faith for Forests campaign.
Faiths for Forests is a a global call to action to all faith-based organizations, networks and places of worship around the world to join the movement to end the destruction of the planet’s rainforests and advocate for climate justice.
Your organization, network, and place of workship can support this global campaign in three critical ways!
Join the Parliament and institutions around the globe in endorsing the Faiths for Forests declaration.
Learn more about tropical deforestation and access educational resources to aid your community in advocating for climate justice.
View Jane Goodall’s introduction of the Faith for Forests campaign and share across your social media platforms. See below!
Be sure to tag @faiths4forests and use the hashtag #faithsforforests