Parliament to Host “The Right to a Healthy Environment” Side Event at COP27
On Thursday, November 10th the Parliament of the World’s Religions is partnering with UNEP Al-Mizan to host “The Right to a Healthy Environment: Faith And Ethical Perspectives” as an official side event of COP27, hosted in Egypt on November 10th, 2o22 from 16:45 – 18: 15 (Egypt). The event will take place in the Blue Zone in the Thutmose Room. You can also view this event online here. (Meeting ID: 824 4450 7618 Passcode: 954577)
The right to a healthy environment is upheld by the ethical teachings of the world’s faith traditions on justice and the imperative to value nature. In this program, experts and faith leaders will speak on this topic from the perspectives of religious ethics and shared values, culture, and advocacy.
Are you interested in participating? Join the interest list and our team will connect with you on next steps soon.