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Standing with the Afghan People, Refugees, And Those Who Remain

August 26, 2021

The Parliament of the World’s Religions unequivocally stands for peace, justice and non-violence around the world.

The Parliament stands with the Afghan community around the world, the thousands of Afghan refugees fleeing their homeland, and those who remain, especially those most vulnerable: women, girls, activists, journalists, and civil servants.

The Parliament is deeply committed  to a culture of non-violence and respect for life, as agreed upon in our signature document Towards A Global Ethic, which calls upon states and those who hold political power to commit to the same:

“Persons who hold political power must work within the framework of a just order and commit themselves to the most non-violent, peaceful solutions possible.”

– Towards A Global Ethic: A Declaration of the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Furthermore, as highlighted in the Global Ethic and the Declaration for the Dignity and Human Rights of Women, the Parliament remains deeply committed to the protection of women and girls and summon the world’s faiths, their leaders and practitioners, to stand together in unified opposition to any religious justifications by the Taliban or any other group for the perpetration of violence or discrimination against women and girls.

The Parliament joins the global interfaith movement, human rights organizations, and the Afghan people in calling for peace, solidarity, and justice.