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Global Week of Faith in Action for Children: Enhancing Dialogue and Collaboration for Children’s Rights and Well-being

November 19, 2020

From November 16th through November 20th, the Parliament of the World’s Religions is joining the Global Week of Faith in Action for Children hosted by Arigatou International, in partnership with UNICEF, Religions for Peace, Shanti Ashram, World Vision, and KAICIID Dialogue Centre.

The Global Week of Faith in Action for Children brings together children and young people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, religious leaders, representatives from civil society and faith-inspired organizations, multilateral agencies, and governments to catalyze joint-actions and compelling responses to address the underlying issues that impact children’s well-being and enhance their participation in matters that concern them, with particular focus on the impacts during and post COVID-19.

The Global Week will culminate with the celebration of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children, which marks Universal Children’s Day, and the 31st Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This year also marks the 20th Anniversary of the Global Network of Religions for Children and the Global Week will be a unique opportunity to celebrate success, reflect on the future endeavors of the network, as well as re-imagine a reinvigorated path for the creation of new partnerships and interfaith collaborations.
Parliament Chair, Audrey Kitagawa, will be sharing a special presentation on the work of the Parliament of the World’s Religions on Friday, November 20th at 9:05 AM EST.

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