Parliament Joins Emerging Leaders Summit Hosted by Interfaith America
This past weekend, members of the Parliament Staff joined hundreds of emerging leaders at the 2022 Interfaith Leadership Summit hosted by Interfaith America in the City of Chicago.
From August 12 through August 14, 2022, attendees at the Interfaith Leadership Summit, the largest gathering of students and educators with a commitment to American religious pluralism, learned to bridge divides, forge friendships across lines of religious and worldview differences and learn new skills to return to their campus inspired and ready to build.
The Parliament joined the Summit on International Youth Day and kicked off the weekend excited to connect with attendees at the #ILSummit22 and share how students and educators can engage the next generation of leaders at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions.
At Parliament Convenings, students, professors, chaplains, and staff from colleges and universities around the world have a unique opportunity to connect with thousands of change-makers, thought leaders, and influencers dedicated to interfaith understanding, justice, peace, and sustainability. Past university groups in attendance have shared some tips that have helped in getting the most out of this life-changing experience:
- Keep student journals during the Convening
- Debrief as a group at the end of each day
- Interview and meet with religious leaders
- Work the experience into a term paper
- Present to the department what they learned
- Bring activities you learn about back to campus
Summit attendees learned about the history of Parliament Convenings, that an average of 1,000 students attend each Parliament Convening, that students enjoy access to special discounts, that faculty can access the student rate when they register a group of students and can reserve a group before they know which students will attend. College and university representatives learned about opportunities to submit proposals to present panels, workshops, exhibits, and films and recruit for their programs with exhibit booths at the 2023 Chicago Parliament. Summit attendees also enjoyed the opportunity to pick up a copy of Faith for Earth to use with Seattle University’s guide to using the book as a resource in the classroom.