At the Parliament of the World’s Religions, we are alarmed by the decision of the President of the United States to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. We are distressed by the escalating tensions in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that this decision is causing. We entreat all parties to engage in strategies that avoid further provocations, that give the highest regard for the value of every human life, and that envision a future of non-violence, reconciliation, and justice as the most effective route to peace.
We honor the committed and courageous justice builders and peacemakers on the ground, from all beliefs and communities, whose incredible work has shown us that this conflict need not perpetually tear us apart. To them we say: we are grateful for your solidarity with those who are voiceless and powerless. Despite the odds, you give us hope. With your actions, we believe that there can still be reconciliation, justice and peace — a possibility rooted in the testimony and commandments of our religious traditions. You who promote and work for justice and peace continue to be an inspiration to us and to all those whose lives you touch.
Dr. Robert P. Sellers Dr. Larry Greenfield
Chair, Board of Trustees Executive Director