Statement by the Big Three and Their Prayer: Zaporizhzhia

Three of the world’s largest international, interfaith organizations – Charter for Compassion, Parliament of the World’s Religions, and United Religions Initiative – fully endorse the August 11, 2022 statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. In the statement, Guterres calls for all military action in the vicinity of Zaporizhzhia to cease immediately, and he urged the withdrawal of all military personnel. Further, he – and we – support the critical work of the IAEA to safeguard the operations in Zaporizhzhia.
Our Prayer:
O Source of all light and life, open the eyes of the military commanders in Zaporizhzhia that they may see beyond the immediate conflict and recognize the regional and global damage that a failed nuclear plant would bring. Turn their hearts and strategies. You outlive all warriors and war. You intend peace for all people. You endure. Help all people on Earth to discover what You created in the beginning, a world without nuclear weapons. In hope for the holiness of life, we pray. Amen.