Solidarity with Indigenous Communities Plenary at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions
The crescendo of the Salt Lake Parliament happened on its final day when the Indigenous Communities
of the world treated participants to an intrepid four-hour plenary. Concern for peace and justice, earth’s preservation, and disparity of resources was palpable.
“You Can Do Anything to Me, But I Will Still Love You.”
– Maori Grandmother Rose Pere from New Zealand
Universal truths were told on that stage. Survival was intertwined with the sustainability of the earth. One simple credo could solve all of our shared problems: that we understand what it means to live with respect for all peoples.
The testimony of wisdom keepers recalled how indigenous communities told of the threats of climate change long before the rest of the world would listen. And although through conquest and modern pursuits the Indigenous Nations have endured the worst disenfranchisement and violations of human rights, the spiritual leaders of Indigenous traditions held out their hands in generosity.
The Indigenous Peoples Declaration for Action called for:
- Recognition and Respect of Indigenous’ Peoples Rights to Exist
- An End to the Desecration of Sacred Sites
- Love Our Earth Mother
- Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery
- End of Violence Against Indigenous Women
- The End of Violence Against Indigenous Peoples