Parliament Members
Parliament members are a crucial foundation of support for the Parliament, providing general support to our ongoing operations through annual contributions.
Members at the Sustaining and Cornerstone levels are acknowledged publicly, unless they opt to be anonymous
Cornerstone Members
Nitin Ajmera
Nirmala Bothra
David Hales
Frank Jameson
Liz Mirante
Suzanne Morgan
Kusumita Pedersen
Buck Tarpley
Theo M.A. van Wijk
Sustaining Members
Debra Boudreaux
Fred Coleman
Helen Cooluris
John Davidoff
Larry Greenfield
Manohar Grewal
Isabelle Gunning
Sidney Helbraun
Laurel Kearns
Shirley Knight
Peggy Little
Charles McDonald
Robert P Sellers
Thomas Cody Swift