Countdown to WIHW 2020: Letters for Interfaith Campaign
World Interfaith Harmony Week wants to send a clear message that an overwhelming number of people from all faith traditions greatly support the call to harmony.
As part of our countdown to the 10th Anniversary of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Parliament of the World’s Religions is launching a Letters for Interfaith Campaign. Letters should simply let others know that you support the annual observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week in your community and around the world.
Letters can be written by an individual, an organization’s representative, or a faith leader in your community. Submit your own letter of support today or incorporate the Letters for Interfaith Campaign at your upcoming World Interfaith Harmony Week celebration.
Share the Campaign
Download the social media graphic and share with your audience or download the campaign flyer today!
Add your logo or launch your own letter-writing campaign today!
Social Media
Print Flyer
Letters of support can be submitted on the World Interfaith Harmony Week website year-round! Encourage your network and attendees at upcoming events to visit ter-of-support
Sample Letter
With less than 50 days before the official observance of the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Parliament invites you to join the official countdown by fostering interfaith harmony in your community. Learn how you can join the countdown at
Observe UN World Interfaith Harmony Week with the Parliament by registering your event with our team today, learn more here.