Schedule Update Highlights Assembly & Plenary Foci
“Where are the people of courage and where are the people of conscience standing together to say this is not who we are and this is not who we will be?”
– Rev. HPs. Phyllis Curott
They’re answering the call to conscience at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions convening in Chicago this August! Over 1,400 presenters are offering their expertise in addressing the most critical issues of our time and thousands more are adding their voices to defend democracy, freedom, and human rights.
Registered presenters and attendees have already begun to explore the 700+ program offerings through our event hub and the newly updated week’s schedule now features the focus of each assembly and plenary at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions including an inaugural Global Ethic Assembly, the return of the historic Women’s Assembly, and two dedicated Climate Assemblies addressing one of the most critical issues affecting our communities and our planet: the climate crisis.
Explore the complete program of the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions and register by April 30th to save with the Advance Rate.