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The Global Ethic and The Earth Charter in Dialogue

Session Description:

The Global Ethic of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and the Earth Charter are two landmark statements in global ethics. The Parliament’s signature document, “Towards a Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration,” was adopted by an assembly of leaders of the world’s religions at the 1993 centenary Convening of the Parliament in Chicago after several years of consultation. The Earth Charter is a civil society document or citizens’ treaty defining basic ethical and legal principles that can serve as the basis of environmental law and human conduct in general. It was finalized in 2000 after the broadest and most in-depth consultation process ever carried out for such a document. Both documents offer a rigorous ethical critique of the current world crisis and its root causes – as well as a vision of hope for the future. Both prioritize human dignity, equality and reciprocity, as well as care for the Earth. In this panel the presenters, including some who were directly involved in creating the two documents, will explore their significance, including their commonalities and differences and how they can be implemented now and in the future to engage critical global problems.

  • Date
    August 14, 2023
  • Time
    5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Location