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Women’s Dignity

Parliament Women’s Task Force

Today we are at a watershed moment for women’s rights and human dignity. From the historic women’s marches to sexual harassment scandals and social media campaigns such as #metoo, women have been speaking out in bold new ways and serious attention is being given to women’s issues worldwide.

Women’s empowerment has taken center stage and the 2023 Parliament is making a call to conscience in this expanding movement.

The Women’s Task Force of the Parliament of the World’s Religions encourages and enables collective and individual action to promote the dignity and human rights of women and girls, to stop religiously justified violence against women and girls and to promote women’s leadership and equal participation in religious, faith, spiritual and other institutions. 

The Task Force bases its mandate on the Parliament’s foundational document Towards a Global Ethic, the Declaration for the Dignity and Human Rights of Women, and the International Declaration by Religious and Spiritual Leaders and Advocates to End Sexual Violence.